4.3 Change initial screen to ITIL nominations
Since we're working into an ITIL environment, we want to avoid misunderstandings by using the same words everywhere.


Homepage - Static
The following replacements has be performed:
  • Original
    <td class="hdrCenter"><h2 class='page_section_header_text'>Look up my existing Requests</h2></td>

    Replaced by
    <td class="hdrCenter"><h2 class='page_section_header_text'>Look up my existing Incidents</h2></td>
  • Original
    onmouseover="window.status = 'Create a new Request'; return true;"
    onmouseout="window.status = window.defaultStatus; return true;">Create a new Request</a>

    Replaced by
    onmouseover="window.status = 'Create a new Incident'; return true;"
    onmouseout="window.status = window.defaultStatus; return true;">Create a new Incident</a>
  • Original
    <td class="hdrCenter"><h2 class='page_section_header_text'>Look up my existing Requests</h2></td>

    Replaced by
    <td class="hdrCenter"><h2 class='page_section_header_text'>Look up my existing Incidents</h2></td>
  • Original
    <b>A request number:</b>

    Replaced by
    <b>A incident number:</b>
Homepage - Queries