3.1 Costs in Change Orders
By default you can only enter integer values as 'Estimated Costs' and 'Actual Costs'.
But now, we want to use numbers behind ",".
For example: If we currently enter the feature 123,4. The item saved will be 123.
We're going to solve this by creating two additional fields:
  • zCostActual
  • zCostEstimated
TABLE Change_Request {
  zCostActual     REAL;
  zCostEstimated     REAL;
OBJECT chg {
  ATTRIBUTES Change_Request {
    zCostActual DOUBLE;
    zCostEstimated DOUBLE;
Through web painter we now replace the original fields by those above. Since we have an already in use database, we want to put back the info already made available in these fields.
This is performed by "PDM_EXTRACT" and PDM_USERLOAD".
  • Open a DOS console
  • execute "pdm_extract -f "SELECT id, actual_cost, est_cost FROM Change_Request" > temp.txt
  • Open in notepad temp.txt
    Replace the line "id actual_cost est_cost" by "id zCostActual zCostEstimated"
    Save the file
  • execute "pdm_userload -f temp.txt"